
THURSDAY | SEP 19, 2024




Malaysian Paper

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Immigration staff barred from using phones at KLIA PUTRAJAYA: Immigration officers stationed at the KL International Airport (KLIA) Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 are now prohibited from using mobile phones while on duty to prevent a recurrence of “counter setting” by syndicates, which allow foreign nationals to enter the country unchecked. Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Chief Commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki said the move was among key improvements the Immigration Department must implement, adding that there is also a need for alternative communication systems during working hours to ensure immigration officers, including supervisors, do not carry their mobile phones while on duty to prevent them being in contact with external parties. Azam said MACC has recommended the schedule for assigning officers at counters be finalised only after they have reported for duty and are already in the counter zone, with the assignments being managed by a separate party. “The Governance Investigation Division will carry out a two-month investigation into the entire work process and submit its recommendations to the Immigration Department and the Home Affairs Ministry for comprehensive reforms,” he said yesterday. Azam pointed out that the main problem behind the “counter setting” syndicates is weak internal control, which makes immigration officers easy targets for agents and syndicates, adding that the absence of a proper rotation system for officers allows these groups to form connections with both supervisors and frontline officers. He also identified several other issues, including inadequate monitoring, insufficient oversight and gaps in work procedures, and said the system for screening foreign nationals was easily manipulated, with a lack of proper review mechanisms complicating efforts to detect and prevent such misconduct. Azam said some officers have become too comfortable in their long term assignments at KLIA, which has encouraged corrupt practices within the immigration workforce. “Investigations have uncovered instances of officers accepting bribes to allow foreign nationals who do not meet entry requirements to enter the country. “There are no strict SOP or sufficient monitoring in place, and the Immigration Department needs to take responsibility by launching large-scale operations to apprehend illegal immigrants.” He added that the absence of third-party vetting in reviewing documents, such as return tickets and accommodation arrangements, also contributed to the issues, with the lure of hefty bribes further enticing officers to participate in the illegal activities of such syndicates. – Bernama

Call to reintroduce school centralised assessments Federal, state govt financial statements presented to King KUALA LUMPUR: His Majesty the King of Malaysia Sultan Ibrahim was presented with the financial statements of the federal and state governments for the year 2023, ahead of their tabling in the upcoming Dewan Rakyat session. According to a post on Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar’s Facebook page, the report was presented to His Majesty by Auditor-General Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi during an audience with His Majesty at Istana Negara yesterday.

The 2025 Budget is scheduled to be tabled in the Dewan Rakyat on Oct 18, under the theme Ekonomi Madani, Negara Makmur, Rakyat Sejahtera . – Bernama

Ű BY FARAHATUN NISA OMAR newsdesk@thesundaily.com

o Move would allow students and parents to gauge learning progress and identify areas for improvement before MCE exam, says senior lecturer

quality and affordable halal products. “It is important to note that Brazil’s commitment to sustainable and ethical farming practices contribute to the global halal ecosystem. “The Brazilian government and agricultural sector have made significant investments in sustainable agriculture, ensuring that halal products meet both Islamic dietary laws and environmentally-friendly production standards.” – Bernama “Classroom-based assessments were adapted from European and Scandinavian education systems, which were proven successful due to their activity-based syllabus that enhances the learning experience. “However, this approach is not as effective in Malaysia because our syllabus and curriculum differ significantly.” Anuar said the Malaysian syllabus and curriculum need to be revised to include learning activities to align with classroom based assessments. He said the effectiveness of classroom based assessments could vary significantly depending on how they are implemented by different teachers and schools. Anuar said teachers may not receive adequate training or professional development to effectively design and implement classroom based assessments. “The lack of training for teachers and insufficient resources have led to uneven quality and effectiveness in classroom based assessments.” He said classrooms with large numbers of pupils hamper learning activities, while assessments cannot be done effectively. Anuar also said there is a huge difference between standardised examinations and the more personalised classroom based assessments as the former measures students’ performance while the latter caters to their learning styles and needs. He said while standardised testing limits flexibility for learning, classroom based assessments, which require administrative effort and coordination, cater to individual learning needs. “Administrative and policy challenges also impact the consistency and effectiveness of these assessments, which is why the ministry needs to revamp the education system. “Immediate action must be taken to correct the situation.”

PETALING JAYA: The Education Ministry should reintroduce centralised assessment systems for Year 6 pupils and Form 3 students to correct the current failures in the education system, said Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Centre of Education and Diversity senior lecturer Dr Anuar Ahmad. He said doing so would offer insights into students’ progress and identify areas for improvement before they sit for the Malaysian Certificate of Education (MCE) exam. Anuar was commenting on a statement by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi that 10,177 students did not sit for the SPM last year, and a remark by Education Ministry director-general

The School Achievement Test for Year 6 pupils and the Form 3 Assessment were abolished in 2022 and replaced with the implementation of Classroom Assessment and School-Based Assessment. “The current education system introduced in 2017 has caused confusion, worry and dismay among parents as their children are showing a lack of interest in learning. Primary

Azman Adnan that 62,928 Year 1 pupils had yet to master literacy and numeracy. Anuar said many parents had complained about the abolition of major examinations, and expressed concern over the absence of clear benchmarks to evaluate their children’s learning progress. He said parents believe that this has caused decreased motivation and lack of direction among children in their studies.

The current education system introduced in 2017 has caused confusion, worry and dismay among parents as their children are showing a lack of interest in learning, says Anuar. – ADIB RAWI YAHYA/ THESUN

M’sia-Brazil collaboration to tap global halal market KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia and Brazil will enhance collaboration to tap the extensive global halal market, which is expected to generate US$3 trillion (RM12.75 trillion) next year, said Deputy Agriculture and Food Security Minister Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup. He said agricultural trade between the two countries has been on an upward trend, reaching RM6.4 billion in 2023. “Brazil is already a leading exporter of halal meat products to Muslim majority countries, and Malaysia is recognised globally for its robust halal certification system managed by the Islamic Development Department. “By aligning our respective strengths, we can expand our research and reach in the global halal market,” he said on Tuesday during a networking event organised by the Brazilian Embassy in Malaysia called Brazil Networking Day, held at the Malaysian International Halal Showcase (Mihas) here. He also said both nations are well-suited to work together because they each bring unique strengths to the agricultural sector. “Whether it is Brazil’s technological advancements in grain corn production or Malaysia’s leadership in halal certification, the opportunities for collaboration are even. “By collaborating, Malaysia and Brazilian Ambassador to Malaysia Ary Quintella said hosting the networking event for the second year provided an opportunity to reaffirm two key points, namely Brazil’s recognition of Mihas’ importance to the Islamic economy and Brazil’s status as a reliable source of high Brazil can not only meet their domestic agricultural needs but also make a significant contribution to global food security.”

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